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Process Design Lab

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Key Members

  • Assoc. Prof. Jiří Trejbal, PhD.  X b 
  • Prof. Josef Pašek 
  • Assoc. Prof. Bohumír Dvořák, PhD.
  • Tomáš Sommer, PhD. X b
  • Martin Zapletal, PhD. X b

Group Focus

  • Optimization of the current industrial processes worldwide
  • Experimental determination of reaction kinetics, reaction and phase equilibria
  • Research in distillation or extraction processes
  • Modelling of chemical reactors
  • Experimental determination of physical-chemical properties of various individuals

 ◳ 7 (png) → (výška 215px)   ◳ MeOH_VUAB (png) → (výška 215px) 

As an examples of our work we could present a devolopment of a technological unit for the aniline production in Tosoh, Japan (left figure) and the installation of distillation column for methanol regeneration in VUAB Pharma, Czech Republic (right figure).

Updated: 1.12.2022 12:55, Author: Tomáš Sommer

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Copyright: UCT Prague 2015
Information provided by the Department of International Relations and the Department of R&D. Technical support by the Computing Centre.
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